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Chin filler is one of the injectable filler treatments growing in popularity due to the way it can help slim the jawline. It is also an alternative to chin implant surgery for those who want minor corrections versus permanent, dramatic correction. Patients tend to want...

Breast lift surgery is one of the more extensive breast surgeries a person can undergo. It involves removing skin, breast tissue, and often the nipples and replacing them higher on the breasts. This obviously leads patients to understandable concerns about nipple sensation. Can you feel...

Scarring is an expected result of any surgical procedure. However, in cosmetic surgery, scarring is meant to be as small, discreet, and hidden as possible. People who are interested in or undergo any facial plastic surgery are often more concerned about scarring. This is understandable...

Otoplasty–or ear pinning surgery–is performed on both adults and children frequently. It is one of the only purely cosmetic surgeries widely performed on children. Due to this, there is a concern that additional surgeries may become necessary later on in life. Let’s look at the...