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Body lift surgery is a major surgery that involves a circumferential incision along the lower abdomen and back. It is frequently performed after massive weight loss. Therefore, this procedure can include more preparation than others since the recovery is longer than average and it is...

Sculptra is a versatile and powerful injectable filler first developed to treat extreme facial thinning in HIV/AIDS patients. Today, it is still used to treat this form of facial thinning, but can also treat general aging and wrinkles. So, where can you use Sculptra?The most...

After mini facelift surgery, resting and sleeping are vital to recovery. However, Dr. Sessa may provide certain instructions about how to sleep to promote the best results, reduce side effects, and protect your incisions. Dr. Sessa provides the answer to the question, “How do you...

Smile line filler is one the most commonly requested dermal filler treatments. It requires a skilled injector because if overfilled it can create a puffy look, but if underfilled, it will not provide adequate results. However, beyond helping patients look younger, what other effects does...

Facelift patients often have a common goal in that they want it to not be obvious that they had a facelift. Modern surgical techniques do allow for the utmost discreetness. However, can you tell if someone had a facelift? The answer is yes, there usually...