Free Nipple Graft Breast Reduction Sarasota

Free Nipple Graft Breast Reduction Sarasota

Breasts that are too big for one’s frame can cause many aesthetic and medical problems. From back and neck pain to asymmetry to difficulty finding bras and clothes, these are just some of the many reasons why a patient may seek out breast reduction surgery. Dr. Alberico Sessa is a master breast surgeon who has performed breast reductions of varying sizes and techniques. He is one of the few Florida cosmetic surgeons who specialize in the free nipple graft breast reduction method. This allows for more patients to undergo a necessary reduction. Sarasota Surgical Arts offers the best free nipple graft breast reduction Sarasota provides.

Overview: Breast Reduction With Free Nipple Graft

The most commonly performed breast reduction is known as pedicle reduction. This involves leaving the nipple attached to a small stalk of tissue known as the pedicle which supplies blood flow during surgery. However, in some cases of gigantomastia or when a patient has certain medical concerns that may hinder blood flow, resecting the pedicle may be necessary or the blood flow may not be guaranteed.

When either of these situations is present, Dr. Sessa may recommend a free nipple graft breast reduction. This technique removes the nipple as a skin graft which offers him more room to reduce the breast without needing to worry about maintaining blood flow to the nipple. Dr. Sessa can then reduce more of the breast or reduce the risk of losing the nipple altogether if blood flow is hindered otherwise.

Free nipple grafts are used in several other surgical techniques including female-to-male top surgery, nipple repositioning, or correcting injuries/trauma. While the free nipple technique is sometimes considered to be old fashioned, it is still sometimes necessary to obtain the best result possible or make a breast reduction surgery possible for an individual patient.


A breast reduction with free nipple grafts does offer considerable benefits to many patients. Some of the benefits and advantages of this breast reduction technique include:

  • Correction of breast asymmetry
  • Breasts better proportioned to the body
  • Reduction in back or neck pain
  • Easier to find bras and clothing
  • Better results in those with gigantomastia
  • Nipple necrosis is less likely with this technique in patients at high risk of nipple necrosis
  • Less risky for patients with diabetes, who smoke, or those with other major medical conditions
  • Ideal placement of the nipples after reducing the breast
  • Minimizes complications or risk in some patients
  • May work better for those who have had a previous breast surgery
  • Can eliminate or reduce the need for vertical incision (this is not the case for all patients and is specific to each procedure)
  • Nipple or areola can easily be reduced before repositioning
  • Can combine with breast lift


Like any surgical procedure, free nipple graft breast reduction does come with risks. Some of the risks include:

  • Infection
  • Skin necrosis
  • Thick scars
  • Hematoma
  • Seroma
  • Complete loss of nipple sensation (temporary loss is normal)
  • Discoloration or pigmentation issues
  • Breast shape irregularities
  • Reactions to general anesthesia
  • Persistent pain or swelling
Before & After Breast Reduction
A Before & After of a Breast Lift With Reduction Plastic Surgery by Dr. Alberico Sessa in Sarasota
Before & After Breast Reduction
A Before & After of a Breast Lift With Reduction Plastic Surgery by Dr. Alberico Sessa in Sarasota

Breast Reduction With Free Nipple Graft vs. Without

Undergoing the right breast reduction technique based on your needs is vital to getting the best possible result. Ultimately, you should consult an expert breast surgeon, such as Dr. Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts. Though, it is also helpful to understand the two main types and which may be most viable in your situation. The table below discusses some of the differences between breast reduction with free nipple grafts versus without.

Breast Reduction With Free Nipple GraftsPedicle Breast Reduction (Without Free Nipple Grafts)
  • Removes the nipple as a skin graft
  • Full range of repositioning possible
  • Blood supply not necessary during surgery, little risk of nipple necrosis
  • Better for patients with gigantomastia or major health conditions
  • Unable to breastfeed after surgery
  • Vertical incision not always needed
  • Less commonly performed
  • Nipple remains on breast
  • Limited repositioning possible
  • Blood supply must be maintained during surgery to prevent nipple necrosis
  • Best for a moderate reduction on a healthy patient
  • Breastfeeding sometimes possible
  • Vertical incision usually needed
  • Most commonly performed

Before & After The Free Nipple Graft Breast Reduction Process

Initial Appointment

If you are interested in a breast reduction in Sarasota, the first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Alberico Sessa. During this appointment, you and Dr. Sessa will discuss the outcome you want to achieve and any symptoms your overly large breasts may be causing. From there, Dr. Sessa may ask about your medical history and relevant parts of your lifestyle. 

Finally, he will examine the breasts. This will allow him to ultimately determine the right breast reduction technique based on your anatomy. If he believes that a free nipple graft breast reduction is the best surgical route, he will further describe the procedure and what you could expect.

Before leaving the office, you will receive a finalized price quote and financing information. As long as Dr. Sessa believes you are a good candidate, you can schedule as soon as you are able.

Sarasota Breast Reduction Surgery

On the day of surgery, the Sarasota Surgical Arts team will prepare you for surgery. After all of the initial preparations and surgical markings are made, a certified anesthesia provider will place you under general anesthesia. 

Dr. Sessa will then make the necessary incisions. He may use a traditional anchor incision that wraps around the nipple and goes down the breast and through the inframammary fold. From there, the nipple will be removed and preserved as a skin graft. Dr. Sessa will then skin, fat, and other tissues to reduce the size of the breasts based on your goals. This may include several surgical techniques including liposuction.

Once the ideal size is achieved, Dr. Sessa will close the incisions and place the nipple based on your new breast size and shape. This ensures symmetrical placement and has a higher rate of nipple survival in patients who are good candidates when compared with other procedures.

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    Recovering After Breast Augmentation

    After you wake up from surgery and complete a brief in-office recovery period, you will go home with your caregiver. While recovery and aftercare directions may vary based on your individual procedure, you can expect instructions such as:

    • Take prescribed medications
    • Do not perform any strenuous exercise or activities for at least two weeks
    • Keep incisions dry
    • Attend all post-operative appointments
    • Do not remove drains, bolsters, etc.
    • Rest, but do get up every few hours and walk around
    • Sleep slightly elevated
    • Wear compression garments if necessary
    • Only wear provided surgical bra until instructed otherwise



    The nipple bolsters–which keep the nipples covered as a blood supply is created–typically come off at one week. From here, the healing will generally take another couple of weeks before complications become extremely unlikely. Like with the breast reduction itself, results are not considered final until at least nine months after surgery.


    No, though any type of breast reduction poses a serious risk to future breastfeeding ability. However, free nipple graft breast reduction normally does guarantee that breastfeeding is not possible. If this is important to you, then you may consider delaying breast reduction surgery of any kind until you are done having kids and/or nursing.


    If you plan to lose a significant amount of weight in the near future, it may be a good idea to have your breasts reduced after. The breasts can lose volume when you lose weight just like any other part of the body. While you may still have overly large breasts, a reduction can likely yield better results.

    However, sometimes large breasts can get in the way of losing weight or exercising. If this is the case, then proceeding with your breast reduction surgery before losing weight may be ideal.


    On average, patients see a reduction of one to two cup sizes. For patients with gigantomastia or similar conditions, it could be significantly more. Dr. Sessa can discuss this with you during a consultation once he examines your unique anatomy.


    No, not everyone will benefit from or need a free nipple graft breast reduction. Therefore, it is often reserved for those with such large breasts that blood flow to the breast may already be hindered, or those with certain medical conditions or of advanced age.


    Breast reduction surgery with Dr. Alberico Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts starts at $8,750. This cost does not factor in anesthesia costs and accounts for the average patient. Costs can fluctuate based on various factors. More pricing information is available on our price list and Price Simulator.

    Sarasota Surgical Arts does work with outside medical financing companies including Care Credit. You can find more information and links to apply on our price list.

    The Best Florida Breast Reduction At Sarasota Surgical Arts

    Sarasota Surgical Arts is a premier cosmetic surgery clinic minutes from Siesta Key Beach. Offering a full range of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures, Sarasota Surgical Arts is the one-stop for all of your cosmetic needs. Their surgical suite is Florida Board of Medicine certified and features a complete outpatient environment. Sarasota Surgical Arts provides the best free nipple graft breast reduction Sarasota offers.

    Dr. Alberico Sessa has over a decade of experience as a cosmetic surgeon and breast surgeon. He performs all forms of cosmetic breast surgery including breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction. Catering each procedure to the individual patient, he works to create your perfect breasts.

    To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sessa, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.
