Breast Augmentation, Fort Myers, FL

Breast Augmentation, Fort Myers, FL

So, you’re considering a breast augmentation but not sure about the process. Maybe you feel like there’s too much misinformation or ads without any real facts. 

 Don’t worry; you’re not the only one who is uncertain of the outcomes or results of a breast augmentation surgery. In fact, this surgery is often one of controversy, speculation, and intrigue. But if you’re seriously considering breast augmentation, you aren’t interested in speculation or rumors. You want to know how it works and if it’s practical for your life. Don’t worry; we can help you understand breast augmentation and its details. (Without the monotonous wording and explanation that come with medical jargon.) 

At Sarasota Surgical Arts, Dr. Alberico Sessa wants you to stay informed and up-to-date on all methods used during breast augmentation. Your comfort is his number one priority, and this begins with honest, transparent information.

How Does Breast Augmentation Really Work?

Before we get into the ins and outs of breast augmentation, Fort Myers, we need to first look at the different methods that can be used. These include:

  • Breast implants – you’ve definitely heard of these and probably are leaning towards this option.  
  • Fat transfer to the breast – This is less common but good for a natural enhancement. It does not provide more than a cup size of enhancement. 

Between these two methods, most lean toward breast implants because of the large variety of options and sizes. 

What Are The Options?

Breast implant options are pretty easy to understand as they are straightforward and simple. If you want to be aware of all the options available, you can look at this list below to get a deeper understanding. 

  • Saline breast implants 
  • Silicone breast implants 
  • Gummy bear breast implants 

Now, it’s important to remember there are distinct differences between the three options, even though gummy bear implants are a type of silicone implant. 

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are one of the first implant types to become popular. However, they aren’t as popular today because they don’t look entirely natural. Now, if larger round breasts are your thing, then saline breast implants may be for you. They also only use sterile saline water, so if you’re breast implant (God forbid) ruptures, it’s safe for the rest of your body. 

Silicone Breast Implants 

Silicone breast implants are more common in today’s breast augmentation, Fort Myers. Silicone breast implants look and feel more like real breast tissue, so you can get that natural increase in size. There is a risk of implant rupture with silicone breast augmentation, but when you use an experienced surgeon you can avoid this for the most part. 

Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Gummy bear breast implants are a newer form of the silicone type. (Some might say they are new and improved.) Gummy bear isn’t just a cute term to get you interested. It’s because they have a consistency similar to that of gummy bear candy. You may think that sounds uncomfortable, but these implants are actually the most natural-appearing implants and can be shaped like the actual tissue. They also have the least risk of rupture due to the firmer gel. 

How Do I Know Which Type To Pick?

Now that you know all the implant types, you may be wondering how to pick the right one. Look, a breast augmentation is a highly personal experience. You should never feel pressure or confusion when making any decision regarding this surgery. Finding the right implant type starts by attending a consultation with an experienced provider. Consider things like: 

  • Your lifestyle and activity level 
  • How you want your implants to look 
  • How big you want the implants to be 
  • Your genetics and physical makeup 
  • The surgeon’s recommendations and advice 

Find The Right Provider

The best thing you can do before your breast augmentation, Fort Myers, is to find the right provider for you. Let’s be honest, you don’t just find the right provider by looking at all the websites and picking which one sounds the best. You find the right provider by attending multiple consultations and working with the one that makes you feel comfortable with the surgery. Some great questions to ask a provider include: 

  • Are you a board-certified cosmetic surgeon? 
  • Where were you certified? 
  • How many breast augmentations have you performed? 
  • What is your recommendation for my goals? 
  • What should my expectations be? 
  • What does recovery look like?
  • What are the risks? 

When you talk with Dr. Sessa, his number one goal is to help you feel relaxed, informed, and comfortable with your upcoming breast augmentation.   

What To Expect

If you choose Dr. Sessa, expect a thorough consultation with the end goal of finding your breast augmentation solution. During this meeting, you’ll decide: 

  • Breast implant type 
  • Breast implant size 
  • Incision type 
  • Recovery 
  • Payment price and methods

Before & AfterBreast Augmentation Recovery 

No one really wants to think about the recovery part of your breast augmentation, Fort Myers. But you need to be prepared, so you can make plans and accommodations beforehand. The truth is that recovery does not have to be difficult or uncomfortable. Some steps to help your healing process include:

  • Take a few days off of work to rest 
  • Don’t remove the surgical bra until Dr. Sessa says you can 
  • Do not lift your arms above your head or strain the incision sites 
  • Avoid lifting anything heavier than 10 lbs for a few weeks 
  • Do not jump back into working out or exercise (until Dr. Sessa says you can) 
  • Take any pain medication prescribed as needed 
  • Plan to have someone take you to and from surgery (and help with things around the house because you need it and deserve it)


What Incision Type Is Best?

With a breast augmentation, one incision type isn’t superior to another. Rather, choosing which one suits your personal needs is the criteria an experienced provider should follow. The incisions types include:

  • Inframammary: An incision is made underneath the breast bottom half of the breastfold.
  • Transaxillary: Incisions are made underneath the armpits.
  • Periareolar: Incisions are made around the outside of the nipple.
  • Transumbilical: An incision is made in the belly button.

How Much Does A Breast Augmentation Cost In Fort Myers, Florida?

If you’re anything like me, you are a planner, especially when it comes to budget. Breast augmentation ranges throughout individual clinics, but with Dr. Sessa, it starts out at $3,550. This goes up depending on the breast implant type, surgical methods, and anesthesia. Don’t worry, he can help you plan and budget for your surgery during a consultation.

What Are The Risks?

We feel like almost every site tries to dumb down the risk of surgery at all costs. While we understand why, we want to be upfront about cosmetic surgery and explain the risks rather than gloss over them. Every surgery comes with its own risks. No matter how safe, there is always the risk of infection, bleeding, reaction to anesthesia, implant rupture, and rippling.

Working with an experienced cosmetic surgeon truly makes all of the difference in how big of a factor these risks pose.

Your Breast Augmentation With Dr. Sessa

No matter what, this entire process should feel like yours, starting with the information. At Sarasota Surgical Arts, our goal is to create personalized, true experiences that are tailored to you. Dr. Sessa specializes in breast augmentation that creates beautiful, custom results.
