Facelift Sarasota

Facelift Surgery for Youthful Appearance

It’s an unfortunate truth that the glowing sun we all enjoy in South Florida can take a toll on our skin, causing sun damage and encouraging premature aging. Over time, changes in skin elasticity, volume loss, and lower levels of collagen production cause wrinkles and deep lines to form. When facial sagging and other signs of aging become obvious, a facelift procedure may be able to help. This effective cosmetic surgery is available right here in Boca Raton and Sarasota, Florida, and can help patients regain a youthful appearance.

Dr. Alberico J. Sessa is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. He has established our beautiful cosmetic practice, which is considered the premier cosmetic center in South Florida for laser treatments, injectables, and offers the very best cosmetic and facelift surgery results. Schedule a Consultation

What is a Facelift Procedure?

A traditional facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, can dramatically improve signs of facial aging and is understandably one of the world’s most popular cosmetic surgeries. This comprehensive facial surgery lifts and tightens skin and muscles in the mid to lower face and neck, creating more youthful contours and elevating the tissues. Although there are newer and less invasive treatments for facial aging now available, such as dermal fillers and neuromodulators, the facelift surgery remains one of the most effective and long-lasting ways to combat signs of aging. It is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet each patient’s specific facial rejuvenation needs.

Benefits of a Facelift Sarasota

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and collagen levels begin to drop, causing wrinkles to appear and the facial contours to change. A facelift surgery procedure helps to reverse the effects of gravity and restores the face’s youthful beauty. There are many potential benefits associated with facelift surgery. The procedure often:

  • Increases patients’ confidence
  • Improves patients’ self-image
  • Creates a more youthful appearance
  • Lifts sagging skin on the face and chin
  • Removes excess, loose skin
  • Restores contours
  • Tightens muscles and underlying facial structure
  • Creates comprehensive facial rejuvenation
  • Smooths cheeks and lower eyelids
  • Provides long-lasting results

Facelift Candidates

The best candidates for facelift cosmetic surgery are men and women who take good care of their skin, are close to their ideal weight, are generally healthy and do not smoke, and have realistic surgical expectations. Dr. Sessa will examine your skin, review your health history and consider your cosmetic goals to determine if you are a good candidate for facelift surgery. Most of our Sarasota facelift patients are those who have moderate to severe facial sagging and wrinkling in the lower face.

Your Free Facelift Consultation

During your private facelift consultation in Sarasota with our top cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Sessa, you will have ample time to discuss your cosmetic goals and desires and to ask any questions that you may have about facelift procedures like the deep plane and traditional facelift. Dr. Sessa will also go over your medical history and carefully analyze and examine your facial contours and skin before making suggestions and designing a cosmetic surgical plan for you.

The Facelift Procedure

Dr. Sessa completes all facelift procedures in our beautiful state-of-the-art medical and surgical facility here in Sarasota, Florida. The exact goals of the procedure and a detailed surgical plan will be customized well in advance of the surgery.

Twilight sleep, also known as deep sedation, is typically the preferred anesthesia for a facelift surgery procedure; however, some patients request general anesthesia. The facelift surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes two to four hours to perform depending on the specific surgical plan. Regardless of the type of facelift being performed, Dr. Sessa will begin the surgery by discreetly placing the incisions just inside the hairline and lifting the facial skin. He will perform undermining while the deeper layers of the face are exposed.

Undermining separates the overlying facial skin from the tissue and muscles beneath. Liposuction is often used to refresh and renew youthful contours. Dr. Sessa will tighten the muscles and tissue, remove excess skin and fat and reposition the remaining facial skin. Any additional cosmetic procedures that the patient requests are often included during the facelift like a neck lift, cheek lift, or chin implant. Sutures will be used to close the incisions and drains may be placed if needed.

Dr. Sessa specializes in a complex technique that repositions and tightens deeper tissue to restore youthful contours. Most facelift procedures only focus on the lower area of the face, including the jawline, jowls, and cheeks. The deep plane facelift may also focus on the midface, however. The deep plane facelift lifts the face more vertically, treats the corners of the mouth and creates a smoother, more natural appearance. The removal of additional fat and soft tissue may be performed to accomplish the best results.

The Facelift Surgery Recovery Process

The deep plane facelift recovery involves some bruising and swelling in the treatment areas. These symptoms will disappear on their own as healing progresses. Traditional facelifts will require a longer healing process. This will be explained to patients during their facelift consultation with Dr. Sessa.

Patients will receive post-op instructions when they book a facial surgery procedure at our South Florida office. The initial recovery time ranges from one to three weeks but Dr. Sessa will typically remove the stitches after one week. Final results will be visible within about six months when all the residual swelling has subsided.

Bruising is resolved more quickly after deep plane surgery and gradually vanishes during the first two weeks. Patients may camouflage bruising after one week and return to work within two to three weeks. Exercise and more strenuous activities will need to be postponed for several weeks after patients return to work. Rest and relaxation are important for proper healing.


Am I a good facelift candidate?

A facelift can take years off your face, slow down further aging, and boost your self-esteem. If you are in good health, have realistic surgical expectations, and wish to improve signs of facial aging, you may be a facelift candidate. Dr. Sessa will evaluate your skin during a private consultation to determine if this is the right treatment for you. If he does not feel that a facelift is the best option for you, he will suggest alternative procedures that may be more appropriate for your needs.

How old is too old for a facelift?

The appropriate time to consider a facelift or cosmetic treatment depends on your personal rate of aging and your level of comfort with your appearance. If you are dissatisfied with signs of aging, whether you are in your 30s, 80s, or anywhere in between, this is the right time for a facelift consultation with Dr. Sessa. There are many cosmetic options available, including eyelid surgery, a partial chemical peel, laser resurfacing and a facelift. The facelift achieves the most significant results when it comes to correcting facial sagging and certain kinds of wrinkles. Dr. Sessa will evaluate your skin and determine if a facelift is right for you. The deep plane facelift requires shorter recovery time and creates less bruising than a traditional facelift.

How do I prepare for facelift surgery?

Dr. Sessa will provide you with a complete list of pre-surgical instructions during your consultation. Because smoking can cause complications and hinder healing, you will need to stop smoking at least four weeks before the surgery. You may also need to adjust your current medications or have a medical evaluation completed by your general practitioner. Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin and certain herbal supplements that thin the blood and can increase bruising for at least two weeks prior to your facelift. You will be provided with surgical soap to wash with the night before the surgery and again in our South Florida surgical center. If you will be receiving general anesthesia, you will need to avoid eating and drinking after midnight the night before your procedure.

When can I use makeup again or attend social events?

After your facelift surgery, you will be excited to show off your results. However, you must give yourself time to heal and recover. You may begin applying makeup on the scars after 7 to 14 days post-op. Dr. Sessa will remove the stitches and examine your skin at that time. You will need to have his permission before having your hair colored, so you may want to have that done before the treatment. You’ll also need to avoid having your hair pulled on or massaged until you receive approval from Dr. Sessa. The first 6 to 8 weeks will be a period of healing and social events will need to be minimized along with strenuous exercise.

When can I return to work?

Everyone heals slightly differently, and you may want to minimize the time you spend out in public until the bruising is completely gone. Give yourself plenty of time to rest and heal. Most bruising will disappear within two weeks, but you may feel well enough during the first week to return to work.

What are the facelift risks?

Facelift complications are rare when the procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon, but the decision to have surgery is very personal and involves many factors. Dr. Sessa will examine your skin and review your medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for plastic surgery. Risks include bleeding, infection, nerve damage, unfavorable scarring, and prolonged swelling. These and other risks will be shared with you before you decide to move forward, and Dr. Sessa will address any questions that you may have.

Is the deep plane facelift procedure more effective than the traditional facelift technique?

The deep plane facelift allows Dr. Sessa to reposition deeper layers of tissue and accentuate the jawline and cheekbones. Traditional facelifts are unable to treat and emphasize the midface. The deep plane facelift leaves little to no evidence that the patient had surgery because it does not pull the skin and appears very natural.

Can I get facelift results from a nonsurgical treatment?

There are many excellent nonsurgical treatments available, including chemical peels, laser treatments, and injections. However, these results are not long-lasting or as comprehensive as those of a facelift. The deep plane facelift results will provide you with a rested, rejuvenated, and youthful appearance because the results look natural and the scars are concealed.

Schedule A Facelift Consultation in Sarasota, FL

We invite you to visit our beautiful facility at Sarasota Surgical Arts near Boca Raton to learn more about Dr. Sessa’s exceptional facelift results. Please call 941-923-1736 to speak with our friendly staff about facelift surgery in Sarasota, Florida, or schedule your private consultation online at Sarasota Surgical Arts today.
