Body Lift Sarasota


Extra skin is a common complaint and concern for many cosmetic surgery patients. Facelift patients may see extra skin collect along the jawline and neck. An arm lift surgery removes extra skin from the arms. Similarly, a tummy tuck will also address extra skin in the abdomen. No surgery addresses extra skin quite like a body lift, however. Also known as a lower body lift, the procedure is one of the most frequently performed procedures among weight loss patients with large amounts of extra skin. Dr. Alberico Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts offers the best body lift Sarasota provides.


A body lift is a cosmetic surgery that removes extra skin and tightens the appearance of the abdomen, love handles, back, buttocks, and thighs. As previously mentioned, body lift surgery is common among patients who have experienced massive weight loss or those who have had weight loss surgery. Dr. Sessa may also remove fat pockets during surgery as well.

The procedure itself removes this excess skin and combines a traditional tummy tuck and buttock lift. Every surgery is tailored to fit the patient and their needs. Each patient will have unique anatomy and carry their extra skin differently, therefore, the body lift surgery is catered especially to each patient’s body type and goals.

Causes & Motivations

Many factors contribute to the necessity or want for a Sarasota body lift. Men and women both undergo the procedure, though often for different reasons. Among some of the reasons that patients may have a body lift include:

  • Weight loss
  • Pregnancy
  • Weight loss after gastric bypass
  • Aging
  • Hanging loose skin or fat contributes to medical problems such as rashes or infections
  • Diastasis recti in combination with buttock sagging


Considering many patients who undergo a lower body lift in Sarasota are those who have lost a lot of weight, the benefits of this surgery can be absolutely life changing. Along with completely changing their body contours, it can improve self confidence and self-esteem. Some of the other benefits and advantages of a body lift include:

  • Flatter abdomen
  • Tighter, firmer skin and body
  • Removal of extra skin and fat deposits
  • Correction of diastasis recti
  • Fit into clothes better
  • Alleviate symptoms like rashes or infections caused by overhanging skin
  • Firmer, more lifted looking buttocks
  • Correction of sagging skin on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs
  • Slimmer appearance
  • Lifted thighs, buttocks, and mons pubis
  • Exercise may be easier


Consultation With Dr. Sessa

Before undergoing a body lift at Sarasota Surgical Arts, you will meet with Dr. Sessa for an initial consultation. At this appointment, Dr. Sessa will review your medical history, goals and expectations for surgery, and your anatomy. Once he understands the results you want to achieve, he will create a customized surgical plan. 

Dr. Sessa will explain the procedure, results you can expect, risks, and benefits. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions, see before and after pictures, and learn more about your options. At the end of the consultation, you will receive a personalized price quote and financing information.

Preparing For Surgery

If you choose to schedule your body lift surgery with Dr. Sessa, you will then have a pre-operative appointment and receive instructions on how to prepare for your procedure. While Dr. Sessa’s directions may vary based on your medical history and other factors, some general ways patients can prepare for surgery include:

  • Obtain required medical clearances
  • Make arrangements for childcare, a caregiver, ride to and from surgery, and time off work
  • Fill prescriptions
  • Discontinue certain medications, if possible, at Dr. Sessa’s request
  • Eat well leading up to surgery
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid medications that may increase bleeding (ibuprofen, aspirin, some types of supplements)
  • Do not eat or drink anything for several hours before surgery unless otherwise okayed by Dr. Sessa

Body Lift Surgery

On the day of your body lift in Sarasota, you will come to the ambulatory surgery center at Sarasota Surgical Arts. A member of the team will greet you and let you change into a surgical gown. From here, they will take your vitals and ensure you are fit for surgery. Dr. Sessa will also meet with you to review the surgical plan and make surgical markings.

A licensed anesthesia provider will then place you under general anesthesia. Once asleep, Dr. Sessa will begin your surgery. The incision for a lower body lift starts like a tummy tuck incision with a hip to hip incision along the lower abdomen. This is usually easily concealed with undergarments. 

The incision will then wrap around the body. Many body lift procedures involve a complete 360 incision around the abdomen and along the top of the buttocks. Some patients may see somewhat less extensive incisions, but generally, a body lift features a large incision.

Through this incision, Dr. Sessa will remove extra skin, fat, and may repair separated abdominal muscles. He will then pull the remaining skin tight and stitch the incisions to provide a smoother, flatter abdomen and lifted buttocks.

Recovery & Results

A lower body lift typically involves around a month off work. This will depend on your healing process, the extent of the procedure, and what you do. While Dr. Sessa will encourage walking during recovery, you will need to avoid strenuous activities for several weeks, and may not return to your full exercise routine for two to three months. Though, Dr. Sessa will evaluate this during your post-operative appointments.

Some side effects are expected such as bruising, redness, pain, and swelling. Dr. Sessa will provide medications, compression garments, and instructions for treating these side effects. While some residual swelling and redness can last for several weeks, though most uncomfortable side effects should resolve in two to three weeks.

Results will take around nine months to a year to come in. Your skin needs time to heal and settle into its new position. Also, since some swelling can last for several weeks, results typically are considered final after one year. Dr. Sessa will continue to see you throughout your recovery process to monitor your healing and results.

Watch Dr. Sessa discuss just some of the body contouring procedures he performs at Sarasota Surgical Arts.


How Long After Weight Loss Surgery Can I Get A Body Lift?

Most surgeons will recommend waiting between six months and one year between a weight loss procedure and a body lift. Additionally, if you plan to lose more weight, you should wait until you are at or near your goal weight before undergoing surgery. This promotes better, longer lasting results.

What Is The Difference Between A Body Lift And A Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is part of a body lift procedure because a body lift incision follows the same path as a tummy tuck one. They both also remove extra skin and fat to provide a smoother stomach. The main difference between the two is the extent of the incision and the procedure. A lower body lift treats more areas and requires a larger incision.

Is A Body Lift Painful?

During body lift surgery, you will remain under general anesthesia. Therefore, you will feel no pain for the duration of the surgery. After surgery, some pain is expected and Dr. Sessa will prescribe painkillers to help you manage the pain. Most of the time, painful and uncomfortable side effects resolve within two to three weeks.

How Long Does A Body Lift Take?

The amount of time that a body lift takes depends on many factors. It is usually a fairly lengthy procedure and averages between four and seven hours. Dr. Sessa can provide a more accurate estimate during a consultation. This is also why body lift patients must be generally healthy and able to withstand a long surgery.

How Much Is A Body Lift In Sarasota?

A body lift may vary in cost depending on the extent of the procedure. The starting cost of a body lift at Sarasota Surgical Arts is $16,200 before anesthesia. Dr. Sessa does work with Care Credit to make your body lift fit your budget.

For more pricing information, visit our price list and financing page. You can also receive a customized, initial price quote using our Price Simulator™ tool.


Dr. Alberico Sessa is a triple board certified cosmetic surgeon who has performed thousands of cosmetic procedures on the face, body, and breast. He is among one of Florida’s best and most accomplished cosmetic surgeons. Dr. Sessa continues to innovate his surgical techniques to be less invasive and more effective. He has over two decades of surgical experience.

Sarasota Surgical Arts is a premier cosmetic surgery clinic and surgery center. Accredited by the Florida Board of Medicine, Sarasota Surgical Arts is the top destination for body lift surgery in Sarasota. Located near scenic Siesta Key Beach, Sarasota Surgical Arts offers an inviting atmosphere for your surgery.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach us online via Price Simulator™, chat, or contact form.

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