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Nose jobs consistently rank as one of the top plastic surgeries around the world. As the center of the face, the nose affects not only our perceptions of ourselves but also how others perceive us. A misaligned nose can also affect breathing capability. Therefore, thousands...

Submental fat refers to the small portions of fat that gather underneath the chin. Some people are genetically predisposed to develop this kind of fat, while others may see it appear due to weight fluctuation, age, or other factors. There are two widely used methods...

Chemical peels can use a variety of different chemicals and properties to resurface the skin. Typically, natural acids are the most commonly used, such as lactic acid, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid. Many peels will combine components as well. Salicylic acid is found in many...

Submental liposuction, or chin liposuction, is a procedure that removes small fat buildups from underneath the chin. Sometimes referred to as a “double chin”, for some liposuction poses the best solution due to their genetics. Though, some patients worry that the fat under their chin...

A rhinoplasty--or nose job--can serve many functions. While often cosmetic, a nose job may also allow patients to breathe better and relieve the symptoms of some medical conditions. Dr. Sessa commonly performs rhinoplasties that are both functional and cosmetic. Let's look at what exactly the...

Dr. Sessa was recently featured and honored in SRQ Magazine. Detailing his experience and expertise, Dr. Sessa was voted a Top Doctor in cosmetic surgery. With over 32 years performing cosmetic procedures, Dr. Sessa is one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Sarasota and is...